Heating and Ventilation Control
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<?php function HVdoc(){ $content ="<p><a href='https://arne.jachens.de/RaspberryPi'>Set up the Raspberry Pi</a> <p><em>no warranty for any of the provided information</em></p>\n"; if( !isset($_GET['modul']) ){ $intro ="<h1>Heating and Ventilation Control</h1> <p>My heating control consists of two parts <ol> <li>The <a href='?s=raspberry&p=HvcMain&w2d=special&modul=HvcMain'>heating & ventilation control</a>, written in <tt>python</tt></br> shall loop for ever and call predefined tasks at specific time intervals. Sensors are read in and evaluated to set the actuators approriate.</li> <li>The <a href='?s=raspberry&p=HvcWeb&w2d=special&modul=index.php'>web interface</a>, written in <tt>php</tt></br> to visualize the actual state (i.e. image below), to set the operation mode of the actuators (on/off/auto), to modify control parameters or show the logfile of the system data.</li> </ol></p> <p align='center'><img src='./Content/showHouse_example.png' alt='showHouse_example.png' width='75%'></p>\n"; $content.= $intro; } #fi return $content; } ?>
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