Heating and Ventilation Control
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import RPi.GPIO as GPIO class HvcSetGPIO: def __init__(self): """ Connect your actuators to specific GPIO pins. """ #Relays links nach rechts: 27, 22, 23, 24, 25 self.ActPins={} self.ActPins['solar'] = 25 #22 self.ActPins['oven'] = 24 #23 self.ActPins['pump'] = 23 #self.ActPins['serv'] = 24 #self.ActPins['door'] = 25 def setMode(self): """ At startup, you need to set the mode once. """ #Setup GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) message = "HvcSetGPIO.setMode: \n" actuators={} for pin in self.ActPins: GPIO.setup(self.ActPins[pin], GPIO.OUT) message = message + "GPIO "+pin+":\t"+str(self.ActPins[pin])+"\t=> OUT \n" actuators[pin] = 0 return actuators,message def set(self,actuators): """ Set the GPIO according to the actuator settings, The actuators are expected to be in the range [0:1], where values > 0.5 are assumed to be ON. """ for pin in self.ActPins: if actuators[pin]>0.0: GPIO.output(self.ActPins[pin], GPIO.HIGH) else: GPIO.output(self.ActPins[pin], GPIO.LOW) return """ For testing, toggle some relays and hear the click. Secondly, the status of all actuator pins is reported. """ if __name__ == "__main__": import time myIO = HvcSetGPIO() actuators,message = myIO.setMode() print(message) actuators['oven']=1 #myIO.set(actuators) time.sleep(1) actuators['oven']=0 #myIO.set(actuators) #check status of GPIOS for pin in myIO.ActPins: GPIO.output(myIO.ActPins[pin], GPIO.HIGH) foo = GPIO.input(myIO.ActPins[pin]) print(pin,foo) time.sleep(2) for pin in myIO.ActPins: GPIO.output(myIO.ActPins[pin], GPIO.LOW) foo = GPIO.input(myIO.ActPins[pin]) print(pin,foo)
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