Heizungssteuerung Web-Interface
To visualize the status of my building equipment I drew a SVG image using Inkscape. All colors and strings which will be used for indicating may occur only once in the image! For visualization the template is copied to a new name and than perl is used to replace the relevant items one by one...
Since there are 256 colors at least, it should be no problem to provide a specific color to each indicator. The used colors are given in the array $template and $Templ at the beginning of the script. Be carefull not to use any of the colors which are part of the HV_colorMap.
The state of the actuators is red to indicate 'off', green for 'on' or 'active' and yellow if automatic controls decides to 'deactivate' or 'auto off' the actuator.
<?php /* published under GPL www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ function HV_showHouse($sens,$act,$opMod){ include("HV_colorMap.php"); /* print_r($sens); echo "<br>"; print_r($act); echo "<br>"; print_r($opMod); echo "<br>"; */ global $self; #set the markers as in SVG $colorTmp["coll"]=" #d50000"; $colorTmp["THot"]=" #d45500"; $colorTmp["TLow"]=" #000081"; $colorTmp["flow"]=" #009300"; $colorTmp["ret"]=""; $colorTmp["ret1"]=" #00d200"; $colorTmp["ret2"]=" #bca1f6"; $colorTmp["fire"]=" #bccccc"; $colorTmp["solar"]=" #aa8800"; $colorTmp["oven"]=" #dc9cff"; $colorTmp["vent"]=" #123456"; $colorTmp["pump"]=" #dc9c6a"; $colorTmp["haus"]=" #123456"; $colorTmp["serv"]=" #abcdef"; $colorTmp["TAmb"]=" #0012e2"; $colorTmp["Tpipe"]=" #11c9e2"; $colorTmp["erde"]=" #36d71d"; $colorTmp["zulu"]=" #ebf106"; $colorTmp["ablu"]=" #f0a708"; $colorTmp["folu"]=" #11257c"; $colorTmp["Theat"]=" #d45511"; $colorTmp["level"]="dummy"; $colorTmp["bypa"]="dummy"; $colorTmp["posBp"]=" #"; $colorTmp["H2O"]=" #"; $tempvent["vent1"]=" #d3c17c"; $tempvent["vent2"]=" #d38d7c"; $tempvent["vent3"]=" #d3257c"; $strTmp["coll"]="Tcoll"; $strTmp["THot"]="TtHot"; $strTmp["TLow"]="TtLow"; $strTmp["flow"]="Tflow"; $strTmp["ret"] =""; $strTmp["ret1"] ="Tret1"; $strTmp["ret2"] =""; $strTmp["fire"] ="Tfire"; $strTmp["TAmb"] ="Tamb"; $strTmp["Tpipe"]=""; $strTmp["erde"]="Terde"; $strTmp["zulu"]="Tzulu"; $strTmp["ablu"]="Tablu"; $strTmp["folu"]="Tfolu"; $strTmp["walu"]="Twalu"; $strTmp["haus2"]="Thaus"; $strTmp["Theat"]="Theat"; $strTmp["posBp"]="foo"; $strTmp["H2O"]="H2O"; $sens['Tpipe']=0.5*($sens['TAmb']+$sens['erde']); /* if($act["pump"]>0){ $sens['Theat']=$sens["THot"]; }else{ $sens['Theat']=$sens['zulu']; } */ $sens['Theat']=$sens['walu']; $sens["ret1"]=$sens["ret"]; $TroomSp = 23.1; if($sens["fire"]>$TroomSp+15 AND $act['oven']>0){ $sens["ret2"]=$sens["THot"]; }else{ $sens["ret2"]=min($sens["THot"],$sens["fire"]); } /* use template */ $cmd = "cp ./house.svg ./showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); /* set thermal colors of elements */ $keys = array_keys($sens); for($k=0;$k<count($keys);$k++){ if (isset($colorTmp[$keys[$k]])){ list($bgc,$tc) = HV_colorMap($sens[$keys[$k]]); if(strlen($colorTmp[$keys[$k]])>5 AND strlen($bgc)>5){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$colorTmp[$keys[$k]]."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); /* if($keys[$k]=="Theat"){ echo $sens['Theat']."<br>"; echo $cmd."<p>"; } */ } } } #k /* set sensor values */ for($k=0;$k<count($keys);$k++){ if (isset($strTmp[$keys[$k]]) AND $sens[$keys[$k]]>-100){ #echo $keys[$k]." ".$strTmp[$keys[$k]]." ".$sens[$keys[$k]]."<br>"; if(strlen($strTmp[$keys[$k]])>2 AND strlen($sens[$keys[$k]])>2){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$strTmp[$keys[$k]]."/".$sens[$keys[$k]]."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); } } #fi } #k /* set color of vent level */ $bgc=" #ff0000"; $off=" #ffffff"; if($act['vent']<=0){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent1']."/".$off."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent2']."/".$off."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent3']."/".$off."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); }elseif($act['vent']<=0.34){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent1']."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent2']."/".$off."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent3']."/".$off."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); }elseif($act['vent']<=0.67){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent1']."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent2']."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent3']."/".$off."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); }elseif($act['vent']>=0.99){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent1']."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent2']."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$tempvent['vent3']."/".$bgc."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); } /* set state of actuators */ $keys = array_keys($act); for($k=0;$k<count($keys);$k++){ switch($keys[$k]){ case "pump": if($opMod['pump']=="on"){ $actColor="green"; }elseif($opMod['pump']=="off"){ $actColor="red"; }else{ if($act[$keys[$k]]<=0.0){ $actColor="yellow"; }else{ $actColor="green"; } } break; case "solar": if($opMod['solar']=="on"){ $actColor="green"; }elseif($opMod['solar']=="off"){ $actColor="red"; }else{ if($act[$keys[$k]]<=0.0){ $actColor="yellow"; }else{ $actColor="green"; } } break; case "oven": if($opMod['oven']=="on"){ $actColor="green"; }elseif($opMod['oven']=="off"){ $actColor="red"; }else{ if($act[$keys[$k]]<0.5){ $actColor="yellow"; }else{ $actColor="green"; } } break; default: $actColor=""; } if (isset($colorTmp[$keys[$k]])){ if(strlen($colorTmp[$keys[$k]])>3 AND strlen($actColor)>=3){ $cmd = "perl -pi -e 's/".$colorTmp[$keys[$k]]."/".$actColor."/g' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd); } } } #k /* color the water reservoir */ for($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $ii=($i+1)*10; if($ii==100){$ii=99;} if($sens['H2O']>$ii){ $res=""; $cmd0 = "grep -n 'zisterne".$ii."' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd0,$res); if(isset($res[0])){ $lnNo = explode(":",$res[0]); $lnNo[0] = $lnNo[0]+2; $cmd1 = "perl -pi -e 's/opacity:0/opacity:1/ if $. == ".$lnNo[0]."' showHouse.svg"; exec($cmd1); } } } /* now compose house with colorbar */ $colorBar = HV_colorMap("bar"); $result ="<p align='center'><table border='0'><tr><td>\n"; $result.="<a href='".$self."?what2do=menu'><img src='showHouse.svg'></a>"; $result.="</td><td align='right' style='width:100px;'>\n"; $result.=$colorBar; $result.="\n</td></tr></table></p>\n"; return $result; } ?>
Index of Library
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