php Library
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<?php function genJachensFractal($level){ /* Author: Dr. Arne Jachens Source: */ global $Position,$Mother,$NoCircles,$Radius; $msg = ""; /* no of cicles per level */ $NoCircles[-1] = 0; $NoCircles[0] = 1; $NoCircles[1] = 4; for($n=2;$n<$level;$n++){ $NoCircles[$n] = $NoCircles[$n-1]*3; } #n /* radii and distances of the cycles */ $Radius[0] = 50; for($n=1;$n<$level;$n++){ $Radius[$n] = 0.5*$Radius[$n-1]; $step[$n] = 2.0*$Radius[$n-1]; $msg.= $n." ".$NoCircles[$n]." ".$Radius[$n]."</br>\n"; } #n $Position['x'] = array(); $Position['y'] = array(); $Mother = array(); /* Positionen level=0 */ $n=0; $Position['x'][$n] = 0.0; $Position['y'][$n] = 0.0; $Mother[0]=0; #creation /* Positionen level>0 */ $offset=0; for($n=1;$n<$level;$n++){ /* loop over nodes of previous level */ $offset = $offset + $NoCircles[$n-2]; for($loop=0;$loop<$NoCircles[$n-1];$loop++){ $thisMother = $offset+$loop; $x_Mother = $Position['x'][$thisMother]; $y_Mother = $Position['y'][$thisMother]; /* North */ $x = $x_Mother ; $y = $y_Mother + $step[$n]; test_position($x,$y,$thisMother); /* East */ $x = $x_Mother + $step[$n]; $y = $y_Mother; test_position($x,$y,$thisMother); /* South */ $x = $x_Mother ; $y = $y_Mother - $step[$n]; test_position($x,$y,$thisMother); /* West */ $x = $x_Mother - $step[$n]; $y = $y_Mother; test_position($x,$y,$thisMother); } #loop } #n return $msg; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ function test_position($x,$y,$thisMother){ global $Position,$Mother; $Grandma = $Mother[$thisMother]; $x_Mother = $Position['x'][$thisMother]; $y_Mother = $Position['y'][$thisMother]; $x_Grandma = $Position['x'][$Grandma]; $y_Grandma = $Position['y'][$Grandma]; $a = $x -$x_Mother; $b = $y -$y_Mother; $c = $x_Mother-$x_Grandma; $d = $y_Mother-$y_Grandma; /* not back to grandma */ if(pow($a+$c,2)+pow($b+$d,2) > pow($c,2)+pow($d,2) ){ array_push($Mother,$thisMother); array_push($Position['x'],$x); array_push($Position['y'],$y); } #fi return; } /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ function writeSVG($level,$fill,$stroke,$fracFile){ global $Position,$Mother,$NoCircles,$Radius; /* scaling */ $imgWidth = 8*$Radius[0]; /* stroke-width reduction */ for($n=0;$n<$level;$n++){ $strokeWidth[$n] = 0.02*$Radius[$n]; } #n $fracSVG = ""; /* rectangles as connectors */ $offset=0; for($n=1;$n<$level;$n++){ $offset = $offset + $NoCircles[$n-1]; /* loop over nodes of this level */ for($loop=0;$loop<$NoCircles[$n];$loop++){ $x_tochter = 0.5*$imgWidth + $Position['x'][$offset+$loop]; $y_tochter = 0.5*$imgWidth + $Position['y'][$offset+$loop]; $x_Mother = 0.5*$imgWidth + $Position['x'][$Mother[$offset+$loop]]; $y_Mother = 0.5*$imgWidth + $Position['y'][$Mother[$offset+$loop]]; $x = min($x_tochter,$x_Mother); $y = min($y_tochter,$y_Mother); if(abs($x_tochter-$x_Mother)<1E-6){ /*vertical */ $width = $Radius[$n]; $x = $x-0.5*$width; $height = abs($y_tochter-$y_Mother); }else{ /* horizontal */ $width = abs($x_tochter-$x_Mother); $height = $Radius[$n]; $y = $y-0.5*$height; } $fracSVG.= "<rect x='".$x."' y='".$y."' width='".$width."' height='".$height."' stroke-width='".$strokeWidth[$n]."' class='fracRect' />\n"; } #loop } #n /* circles */ $offset=0; for($n=0;$n<$level;$n++){ $offset = $offset + $NoCircles[$n-1]; /* loop over nodes of this level */ for($loop=0;$loop<$NoCircles[$n];$loop++){ $xc = 0.5*$imgWidth + $Position['x'][$offset+$loop]; $yc = 0.5*$imgWidth + $Position['y'][$offset+$loop]; $r = $Radius[$n]; $fracSVG.= "<circle cx='".$xc."' cy='".$yc."' r='".$r."' stroke-width='".$strokeWidth[$n]."' class='fracCirc' />\n"; } #loop } #n $svgHead = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>\n"; $svgHead.= "<svg xmlns='' \n"; $svgHead.= " xmlns:dc='' \n"; $svgHead.= " xmlns:cc='' \n"; $svgHead.= " xmlns:rdf='' \n"; $svgHead.= " viewBox='0 0 ".$imgWidth." ".$imgWidth."'>\n"; $svgHead.= "<defs>\n"; $svgHead.= " <style type='text/css'><![CDATA[\n"; $svgHead.= " .fracCirc {\n"; $svgHead.= " stroke: ".$stroke.";\n"; $svgHead.= " fill: ".$fill.";\n"; $svgHead.= " }\n"; $svgHead.= " .fracRect {\n"; $svgHead.= " stroke: ".$stroke.";\n"; $svgHead.= " fill: ".$fill.";\n"; $svgHead.= " }\n"; $svgHead.= " ]]></style>\n"; $svgHead.= "</defs>\n"; /* $svgHead.= "<metadata>\n"; $svgHead.= " <rdf:RDF>\n"; $svgHead.= " <cc:Work>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:type\n"; $svgHead.= " rdf:resource='' />\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:title>Jachens Logo</dc:title>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:creator>\n"; $svgHead.= " <cc:Agent>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:title>Dr. Arne Jachens</dc:title>\n"; $svgHead.= " </cc:Agent>\n"; $svgHead.= " </dc:creator>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:publisher>\n"; $svgHead.= " <cc:Agent>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:title />\n"; $svgHead.= " </cc:Agent>\n"; $svgHead.= " </dc:publisher>\n"; $svgHead.= " <dc:source></dc:source>\n"; $svgHead.= " <cc:license\n"; $svgHead.= " rdf:resource='' />\n"; $svgHead.= " </cc:Work>\n"; $svgHead.= " </rdf:RDF>\n"; $svgHead.= "</metadata>\n"; */ $svgFoot = "\n</svg>"; $fid = fopen($fracFile,"w"); fputs($fid,$svgHead); fputs($fid,$fracSVG); fputs($fid,$svgFoot); fclose($fid); $msg = "<p>Fractal written to:</br>\n".$fracFile."</p>"; return $msg; } ?>
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