python Library
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from import loadmat,matlab import numpy as np class MatlabStructures: """ To work with .mat files is a pain in the ass. Thankfully, I found helpful examples in the internet: """ def __init__(self): return def loadMatStruc(self,fileName): """ From scipy loadmat( ) is utilized with proper options, the returned matlab structure is not useful yet. Therefore, each returned element is checked, whether it is a matobject or nested array. """ matStruc = loadmat(fileName, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True) dict = {} for key in matStruc: if isinstance(matStruc[key], matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): dict[key] = self._todict(matStruc[key]) else isinstance(matStruc[key], np.ndarray): dict[key] = self._toarray(matStruc[key]) return dict def _todict(self,matobj): """ A recursive function which constructs from matobjects nested dictionaries """ dict = {} for strg in matobj._fieldnames: elem = matobj.__dict__[strg] if isinstance(elem, matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): dict[strg] = self._todict(elem) else isinstance(elem, np.ndarray): dict[strg] = self._toarray(elem) else: dict[strg] = elem return dict def _toarray(self,ndarray): """ A recursive function which constructs ndarray from cellarrays (which are loaded as numpy ndarrays), recursing into the elements if they contain matobjects. """ if ndarray.dtype != 'float64': elem_list = [] for sub_elem in ndarray: if isinstance(sub_elem, matlab.mio5_params.mat_struct): elem_list.append(self._todict(sub_elem)) else isinstance(sub_elem, np.ndarray): elem_list.append(self._toarray(sub_elem)) else: elem_list.append(sub_elem) return np.array(elem_list) else: return ndarray #=======================================# if __name__ == "__main__": fname = "testMatStruc.mat"; MS = MatlabStructures() matStruc = MS.loadMatStruc(fname) print(matStruc)
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